Friday, October 2, 2015

Crisis Management Leaders Summit, Perth 2015

Crisis Management Leaders Summit, Perth 2015

Perth 8th October 2015
#gocrisis #vorianagency

Business and government are experiencing an unprecedented increase in risk and an exposure to crisis; globalisation of supply chains and customer base, climate change, population growth, large demographic shifts, new technologies, an explosion of regulatory requirements – more than ever, it seems that the need for preparing for the unexpected is necessary. We are faced with a surge in the occurrence of product recalls, unexpected fatalities, natural disasters, data loss, disrupted supply and, as a consequence, the expectation from those affected by crisis – customers, the media, public, employees, shareholders – are more demanding.

The Crisis Management Leaders Summit focuses on the current topics concerning today’s crisis realities and how businesses and governments are coping. It offers delegates a unique opportunity to look at crisis management from different viewpoints and to learn cross-industry lessons and best practice.

With contributions from the Crisis Director Malaysia Airlines, Curtin University, Computer Emergency Response Team, Former Queensland Premier, GoCrisis, Air China and many more, our speakers will share their personal experiences, discuss the latest research and trends on the risks that businesses face, the impact that social media and the real-time news cycle have on crisis and emergency management, leadership in crisis and what we can learn from recent world events and how to apply these lessons to corporate crisis response. We will look at global organisations in crisis and learn from their failures and successes.

Find out how to Manage Social Media in Crisis, I am presenting on this topic at the Crisis Management Leaders Summit, Perth 8th Oct, and you can find out what is in my own #EDC (Every Day Carry) Marketing Tool-kit.

The Scout Motto is 'Be Prepared'

"Be Prepared... the meaning of the motto is that a scout must prepare himself by previous thinking out and practising how to act on any accident or emergency so that he is never taken by surprise."
Robert Baden-Powell 

How prepared is your business?...

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